Sunday, July 26, 2009

Kamryn Lindsey

Samantha and Eric went to Salt Lake City for a few days and we had the opportunity to have Kamryn at our home. Here are some photo's of some fun things she did.
Playing with her princess toys her oupa bought her.
Ouma enjoyed the wave pool.
Kamryn enjoyed it more.
We went to Raging Waters, she loved it.
big smiles at the carrousel.
With a face like that, she gets oupa to buy her anything she wants at the disney store.
Kamryn gets what Kamryn wants. Tinkerbell.
I had a chuckle at her reasoning ability. After pushing her on the swings I said "I can't push you anymore because I have to unload the dishwasher, so you need to swing on you tummy." She thought about that for a second and then responded saying, "but I don't like to swing on my tummy, I only like to swing on my bum."
The perfect ending to the perfect weekend. Watching Pocahontas with oupa while waiting for mommy and daddy to come pick her up.
We just adore this little Kami girl so much. Can you tell?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


1) She adores Garreth.
2) She is beautiful physically and spiritually.
3) She values her covenants.
4) She is a wonderful housewife.
5) She brings out the best in Garreth.

I could mention so many other things! We love you Jessica. Pleased you had a great day!

Monday, July 20, 2009

A Week In Utah!

Monday took the Children to see Ice Age 2 but left early as it was way to scary for the little ones.
Tuesday the weather was overcast so we went to the indoor pool. Katie was amazing. She went down the high waterslide by herself. She is swimming like a pro.
Wednesday we took the children to the library. They love books. I went shopping at L.D.S. Bookstore.
Thursday we went to Tecano (Brazillian Resturant)
Friday we went to the outdoor pool. Later we went to an Indian Resturant that was frightfully expensive and really not worth it.
Saturday we went back to the outdoor pool. Summer time has come with a vengence. I am only comfortable in an airconditioned home, or in the pool.
Left Utah at ten on Saturday evening and arrived in Sacramento a little after ten that same day (an hour time difference).

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mother!

Five things I love about my mother:    She loves the gospel, especially the temple.                                                                                                 She is honest, charitable, and has always been a good                                                                                    example to me.                                                                                                                                                 She is low maintenance.                                                                                                                                   She is really sociable;  she makes friends all over the world.                                                                     She taught me the value of hard work through her example.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I love you mother.  Hope your day was perfect.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Down by the sea!

George and I left early on Friday morning and arrived at noon in Los Angeles. It was Cindy's birthday. She got tennis raquets from Garreth and Jessica, Clothes from Sam and Eric, towels and a watch from Rob, and money from us. How time flies! It feels like only yesterday that I was changing her diapers. She was an angel baby, always content with a smile on her lovely face. We had a weekend filled with fun activities, not to mention the delicious food and yogarts (I think I had one everyday). We also all went to movies to see "My Sisters Keeper" which was totally different from the book! The ocean was way too cold for me so I enjoyed the hot tub in their apartment complex. I was pleasantly surprised to see how clean Garreths apartment was. Jess is a domestic little wife! We even had to take our shoes off so that her carpets stay clean. You go girl! I feel so lucky that my children are all happy in their marraiges.
Still her daddy's birthday girl!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Open House Celebrations

Precious babies just before bedtime.
Opening gifts later that evening.
We are a happy family!

Sam arrived later.

Chatting with guests.
The newlyweds.
Nana enjoying the celebrations.
While adults enjoyed company and food, the children enjoyed the jungle gymn.
The second of the three apples of my eye.
He is smart, amazing, handsome, hardworking, funny, and I love him!

Garreth testing the motorized bicycle (A gift from one of George's engineers).
Pretty as a picture1
The back of her beautiful dress.
I love Cindy's haircut.
The beautiful bride.
We love Jess.
The marshmellow Garreth used to tease Lilly, his mother in law.
Jess is beautiful, talented, smart, gentle, and she adores Garreth.
Two of my beautiful daughters. We missed Samantha who was a bridesmaid for a friend. She came later that day.
Jess's sister Elysse
A tender moment

Katie playing on our staircase with a new friend