Monday, July 20, 2009

A Week In Utah!

Monday took the Children to see Ice Age 2 but left early as it was way to scary for the little ones.
Tuesday the weather was overcast so we went to the indoor pool. Katie was amazing. She went down the high waterslide by herself. She is swimming like a pro.
Wednesday we took the children to the library. They love books. I went shopping at L.D.S. Bookstore.
Thursday we went to Tecano (Brazillian Resturant)
Friday we went to the outdoor pool. Later we went to an Indian Resturant that was frightfully expensive and really not worth it.
Saturday we went back to the outdoor pool. Summer time has come with a vengence. I am only comfortable in an airconditioned home, or in the pool.
Left Utah at ten on Saturday evening and arrived in Sacramento a little after ten that same day (an hour time difference).


  1. I know you and George just love being with Katie and Sharon because you don't see them so often, glad you could have spent so much time with them. Looks like you have had such fun with them and had a very full week. Love and miss you.

  2. I wish I could have been there to see Katie swim. Is she swimming all by herself now? I love my babies.
