Monday, July 6, 2009

Open House Celebrations

Precious babies just before bedtime.
Opening gifts later that evening.
We are a happy family!

Sam arrived later.

Chatting with guests.
The newlyweds.
Nana enjoying the celebrations.
While adults enjoyed company and food, the children enjoyed the jungle gymn.
The second of the three apples of my eye.
He is smart, amazing, handsome, hardworking, funny, and I love him!

Garreth testing the motorized bicycle (A gift from one of George's engineers).
Pretty as a picture1
The back of her beautiful dress.
I love Cindy's haircut.
The beautiful bride.
We love Jess.
The marshmellow Garreth used to tease Lilly, his mother in law.
Jess is beautiful, talented, smart, gentle, and she adores Garreth.
Two of my beautiful daughters. We missed Samantha who was a bridesmaid for a friend. She came later that day.
Jess's sister Elysse
A tender moment

Katie playing on our staircase with a new friend


  1. Looks like all your hard work was worth it! Looks like you all had so much fun! Miss you all lots! X

  2. I love the pictures!! What a fun night it was. You did an awseome job! Garreth and jessica are great together. I couldn't be happier :)
    Lots of love, Lily

  3. I love these pictures and loved the open house! As usual you threw a great party.
    I'm so happy about having Garreth and Jess stay in Utah!!!

  4. Cute pics mom. I couldn't agree more: I most certainly am smart, amazing, hard working, and funny! You just left out a few things--I am also: brilliant, charming, talented and most importantly HUMBLE! Next time my future employer wants to see my resume I'm going to just send him to your blog. Mwah.

  5. Looks like you guys had such a good time! Everyone looked stunning. Where are the pictures of the proud parents??????

  6. Looks like tons of fun, lots of hard work, but all well worth it in the long run. Your kids are amazing Sharon. Nice to see Garreth and Jess have a blog spot now to. I love it! Love and miss you all.

  7. Love the pics! Love you guys! Wish I was there!

  8. I just love new technology. Here on the other side of the world we can catch a glimpse of what you're all up to on your side of the world.
    Garreth and His Bride make a beautiful couple. We wish them a wonderful life into the eternities together. The girls look as beautiful as ever. Miss them all. Your family has certainly grown. Love all the granddaughters. George must have fun with all the Little Sharons. Gorgeous.
