1) You are the best oldest granddaughter in the world.
2) You are so smart. When auntie Sam, your mom and I play memory cards with you, you beat us hand down even though we are doing our best to win the game.
3) You are beautiful and you have a wonderful disposition.
4) You eat all your yucky vegetables because you know it will make me happy. You will give me hugs and cuddles because you know it will make me happy.
5)You are so talented. You sing like a bird and you ride your scooter like a pro. I love to watch you swing on the bars at the park.
I am so proud of you and I could write 101 other reasons why I love you eg. You are kind, you love Heavenly Father, you are so unspoilt that when we are in a store you don't make any demands on your parents for ''stuff'. You love reading books and learning new things. You are my sunshine Katie. Always stay as wonderful as you are now.